home.gif (20220 bytes)

"How To"  Sort columns in OutLook Express


Select what Column you want to sort  and select it

NOTE the triangle Email_sort05.jpg (763 bytes) and Email_sort06.jpg (729 bytes)  in the column

A Triangle like Email_sort05.jpg (763 bytes) will sort latest Date on the top and oldest Date on the bottom.

Email_sort01.jpg (54307 bytes)

A Triangle like Email_sort06.jpg (729 bytes) will sort latest Date on the bottom and Oldest Date on the top.

Email_sort02.jpg (47947 bytes)

A Triangle like Email_sort06.jpg (729 bytes) will sort the names with on "Z" on the bottom and "A" on the top.

Email_sort03.jpg (47028 bytes)

A Triangle like Email_sort05.jpg (763 bytes) will sort the names with on "Z" on the top and "A" on the bottom.

Email_sort04.jpg (55553 bytes)


Last update was at  04/07/2008 02:47:03 PM

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